Friday, April 17, 2009

The week in review

Wow what a week!! I finished up my first week at Children's. I can tell you now I am going to learn SO much. I feel like a brand new nurse again. I never thought that I would see let alone take care of patients like this. One pt had a berlin heart which is an externalized mechanical heart that functions as his heart while he waits for a transplant. With these hearts you can function at home, go to school and everything. Pretty amazing. One of my patients had received her 2nd heart transplant...amazing. The families are phenomenal and probably more knowledgeable than me on some things. Incredible.

I have SO much "homework" to do. Lots and lots of training. I miss my husband like crazy but I am assuming time will go by fast with how much I have to do and learn. I do get to go home next weekend YAY!!!!!!

I am learning many lessons on faith and patience right now. I am hoping that besides studying I spend lots of time in the Word. Tomorrow I get to spend time with a good friend Jen and go do wedding planning stuff with her. She is marrying our GREAT friend Josh :-) Very exciting... glad i'm not the one planning a wedding!

Chad will have to update on his life :-)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow! It sounds like you are busy and learning a lot in your new job. It sounds fascinating! You and Chad have been in my prayers every day, that the Lord will give you both strength and comfort.