Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The power of the Holy Spirit

I learned an important lesson tonight.  Never be surprised when God answers a prayer.  I'm reading a book right now Forgotten God and going through Isaiah for BSF.  Well I decided this week that I was going to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to work in my heart and my life.  That I would experience the Holy Spirit in a new, profound way.  Well surprise surprise God is faithful to answer prayer.  Tonight my mom, step dad, and mother in law and I went to missions fest.  Gracia Burnham was the key note speaker for the night.  For those of you who do not remember them they were new tribes missionaries (missionary pilots just like Chad and I are going to be) and were living in the Philippines.  They were captured and held for over a year by the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group.  Gracia's husband Martin was killed during the 17th and final gun fight during their captivity.  She now speaks and has written two books.  Tonight God used her to speak to me in a powerful way.  But before I get to that, lets back up a few days. 
On Wednesday Chad and I met with the MAF (missionary aviation fellowship) recruiter about starting our journey as missionaries.  Chad has been working towards getting all of his requirements for three years now and is ALMOST done!  Praise God.  So we got the rest of the details and set a timeline to work towards...JULY!  Lord willing and only Lord willing we will start our candidacy in July.  Well, I have known that God has been paving the way for us for these three years and have seen him work in mighty ways as he has provided for us and opened door after door.  During our meeting it became very clear that Chad needed more general aviation experience so that he would be comfortable passing his TEC eval in June for MAF.  Well Thursday the head of MATA, Chad's school, told him of a potential opportunity for a new job in general aviation.  He will get more info on that on Tuesday.  But how amazing of the Lord to bring that opportunity just one day after our meeting with Perry. 
Now the idea of us being missionaries has always settled very well with me and I knew I was called to missions since 2000.  However, the reality of the call was not all that, I don't know powerful to me until tonight.  While Gracia was speaking I with out a doubt was filled with the Holy Spirit.  I felt an ache deep inside my soul to answer the Lord's call to missions.  I began to cry for reasons I still don't understand other than I was faced with my own selfishness and the power of the Lord.  I was speechless, couldn't sing the last song, but my spirit was singing and crying out to Him.  Thank goodness the Lord knows our thoughts and hearts because I had no words.  Gracia spoke of her own sin during that year in the jungle.  The sin of hating her captures, the sin of coveting FOOD (she knew she needed to trust the Lord for her needs and not be jealous of what others had).  I listened to her speak of those "sins" as she described them and I was humbled.  I had a rush of "oh my word Lord, I am a prideful, stubborn, covetous woman."  I pray that the Lord will start changing my heart now and preparing me for our journey.  I am so comfortable with this world, with the things I coffee creamer, my bed, comfy clothes, tv, internet, to name a few.  We worry about jobs, money, selling a house...but where is my trust!  Is God the Lord of my life, my entire life??  Absolutely so I better start honoring him and revering him.  He has called me, weak, sinful, little me to go and serve him.  Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "whom shall I send? and who will go for us? And I said, Here am I, Send Me!"  I heard that tonight, the Lord asking me, will you really go?  Will you really go to the hard places, do hard work, for unloving people?  Yes Lord Send me.  I MUST be obedient to his call.  It is far more dangerous to ignore that Lord than to leave the comforts of this world. Gracia said tonight that many people are asking for a solution to terrorism, or to the moral decay, she said we may not like her answer, but WE are the solution.  God's children are the only hope, because we are Christ to this world.  The Holy Spirit lives in us and we can bring the truth to the lost, to the hateful and change this world.  We know this world will perish, but the Lord and his Word will last forever.  So I choose to go.  As imperfect as I am I say yes Lord. 
I pray that I will continue to be refined by the Holy Spirit and humbled every single day.  That I will expose my sin for what it is and ask God to cleanse me, and give me the fruits of the Spirit.  Thank you Jesus for dying for a sinner like me and for all of us.  Without you I am hopeless but with you I am restored and have joy in any circumstance. 

" No Matter where you live an what your days look like, you have the choice each day to depend on yourself, to live safely, and to try to control your life.  Or you can live as you were created to live-as a temple of the Holy Spirit of God, as a person dependent on Him, desperate for God the Spirit to show up and make a difference.  When you begin living a life characterized by walking with the Spirit, that is when people will being to look not to you but to our Father in heaven and give Him the praise." (Francis Chan, Forgotten God)

Written on Saturday October 9th

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another month

Wow!  I can't believe it's already been a month since my last post!  Life has continued as usual.  A few new things, a couple of bumps in the road, and many blessings.

 First bump, we lost the buyer to Chad's house, we are back to square one, but resting in the Lord's hands knowing that he sees the end result.  There has been plenty of frustration along the way, but we are learning the true meaning of TRUST! 

Praise: Chad started his CFI training.  We are not sure how long it will take, it's mostly book work and learning to prepare lessons, teach them, and fly from the right seat!  He will do great, he already teaches me in ways I can understand.  Not that I will ever be a pilot but at least it helps me understand what he is doing up there in those small planes.  I'm so proud of him!!
We are SO close to meeting all our goals and requirements for missionary aviation.  I need to get my bum in gear and start bible classes.  When that is done and Chad is done with CFI hopefully we will be ready to start the process in JULY!!!

Second bump (for me): WORK!  As many of you know Seattle Children's has had a rough go of it lately.  But I'm still extremely proud of my job and the work we do there.  We get to things I never would have imagined.  As a nurse it's very sobering when a BIG mistake happens.  It forces you to recheck yourself and realized that we are taking care of VERY PRECIOUS property every time we walk through those doors.  Not only are they someones beautiful child but the Lord's child and it is my duty to protect them and give them the best care possible.  It's easy to get complacent sometimes! 

We had some family come up to visit the last weekend in September which was nice.  I love that we are getting more time with family lately, when we go to the mission field it will be years before we get to see family.  So we praise God for this time.  Chad took me for a night in Seattle for my birthday.  Since my birthday is during the week and he is going to Arizona this weekend we spent our time together last weekend.  It was wonderful!  He spoiled me this year, what a guy!

Birthday dinner with Papa and Mimi

Bowling with the fam!
 I started BSF (bible study fellowship) this year.  I LOVE IT.  I am actually digging into the scripture and its so great!  I am learning new truths of who God is everyday.  Chad and I are also reading The Forgotten God. Its a great book that our pastor recommended.  Its a powerful reminder that we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and that we forget that too often.  And its true.  I all too often forget that I have a counselor with me every second of the day, to give me wisdom and discernment.  Anyways great book! 

Well that's our update!  Another update letter coming soon.