Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In memory of

November, 6 2007-April 21, 2009
A sweet baby girl that I cared for since birth passed away yesterday unexpectedly. A couple of friends from Sacred Heart called to let me know. Mom also was asking if I was going to come in to say goodbye to her. She was a perfect little angel that stole my heart long ago. She spent most of her life in the hospital for multiple reasons. She had a chromosome abnormality that made her the cutest little peanut. She had tiny hands and a little button nose that never seemed to grow with the rest of her body. She loved to suck on two fingers or her wrist. When she was a baby her binkie was her lifeline but she transitioned to her fingers a while back. She loved music and moving toys above her head (especially balloons) She was a spoiled girl that we all would dress up really cute, paint her nails, and do her hair. She had hair pretties that we bought just for her :-) she was a bit loved! Prayers go out to her family and all us nurses who are going to miss our sweet baby girl. But she is now dancing with Jesus in her new perfect body pain free... YAY way to go little one! Love you tons.

I am so very thankful for our Lord and Savior especially in times like these. The piece of knowing that these precious ones get to be with our Father in heaven is unexplainable. She is definitely the first and only kiddo so far that myself and other have gotten very attached too, but its hard not to when they live most of their life with us.

On a happier note I get to go home to see my hubby this weekend...EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie Anne...thank you so much for sharing your life of caring for others in your blog. To see you doing what you always talked about since before you were a teen makes my heart so warm. I am so very proud of you Jamers, and the love you share with so many that come into your life. I love you babygirl, Aunt Terri