Monday, July 12, 2010

Dead computer = no updates!

Well it's been a while since I have been on here to update anything.  Our computer died miserably and we have a friend working on it.  Hopefully with his skills we can hold off on a buying a new one.  I finally got some pictures onto my old barely working lap top and I'll try to update a little.  I'll do posts with pictures next, this will be a general update.  Chad and I are doing well.  We are still trying to adjust to our new schedule with him on second shift and me on nights.  Chad is trying to find a balance of enough sleep and getting up early enough to work on finishing his commercial and fixing the truck.  He will hopefully be taking his commercial knowledge test in the next week or so and then his oral/practical.  It's going to be a big party of some sort when he gets his commercial.. wow what an accomplishment.  I was thinking this weekend that its been less than a year since he started his flight training. He has had a full time job for some of that, mix that in with bad weather most of the winter/spring (meaning CLOUDS) and well, you get a pretty amazing man!

We got out half of our update letters and then the computer crashed and I couldn't print off more to send out.  Hopefully I will get to rest out to all the people we love so much.  They will be slightly out of date by then but that's ok. 

Ok I'll end this post and put up some others with pictures! 

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