Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crazy nut jobs who make my week interesting

So I thought it was going to be a typical work week with the unit full of sick babies with RSV. Little did I know that on Friday night I would be blessed with a wacked out family who does not believe in sickness or germs. Funny that their son was in the hospital with that belief system. This poor boy was what we call a status asthmatic. We were giving breathing treatments every two hours and that was not helping. His grandma was at the bedside saying "that medicine is toxic you are burning his face off" and other things such as "tap water is toxic only bottled water can touch the skin." You see he had a temp of 103 and I was trying to put cool cloths on him but I could not because water was bad for him. And of course tylenol is an absolute no. So this kid continued to get worse and multiple nurses and respiratory therapist tried to explain how sick he was but we were met with "there is no such thing as sickness.. germs do not cause disease" HOLY CRAP BATMAN ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Needless to say he ended up in the ICU and they stuck to the story that he is fine and NOT sick. Nut jobs that like make being a nurse very difficult.

Other than that the week was fine. Work was definitely busy with every bed full. Chad took apart and put his first engine back together. He has a video of it being started for the first time which he will post. I also put up pictures of him working on the engine. YAY Chad!!!

We are home enjoying our Sunday together and he just changed the oil on his motorcyle hoping that spring will arrive quickly so that he can ride it. :-)

More updates to come soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jamie Anne...nuts jobs doesn't seem to be a strong enough term! That poor baby...and all of you trying to do your jobs with your hands tied...unbelievable baby...btw..watched the video and you did a great job of getting out of that tape! Love ya, Aunt Terri