Monday, February 22, 2010

Flying, Friends, and such

Wow I cannot believe February is almost over. The beginning of the month stunk for Chad because the weather made it impossible for him to get the needed flight time in. BUT he has been flying lots this passed week and after his 6 hour flight to Montana today he will have about 9hours left to go. After those 9 hours we are hoping he will be ready to take his commercial oral and practical tests. Praise God that he has come this far I can hardly believe it.

** Chad has some pictures of his last flights I will post them as soon as I get them :-) **

Chad also interviewed for a position at Boeing. We are still waiting to hear back and if we don't then God has something else for him. We are just grateful for at least one interview to come about. Please continue to pray that God opens a door for work for Chad especially now that his training is coming to a close. He does want to become a certified flight instructor so if no job then he will move on to that while we wait for a door to open for employment.

God has been so faithful to us and we are learning more through all of our experiences lately how to love God more and seek him more. I know we will have a great story to tell someday at the conclusion of all our this.

We are still trying to sell the house that Chad co-owns, that's another faith walk and only God has the answer to that situation.

This last weekend our dear friends were in town for a quick visit. Chad was able to spend some good time with them while I was in bed sick. Bummer!! But I did make it out for a quick dinner! Chad spent the afternoon in Seattle on Friday and then went snowboarding on Saturday at Mt. Baker. He hadn't been snowboarding in over a year and a half so he was VERY excited to get out there. We are hoping to go back and get me up there, not on a board but skis.

I still watch Porter (my nephew) every other Tuesday, and its so fun to watch him grow. Its amazing how much he changes even in two weeks. Chad went with me last week, and was pretty awesome with him. We took Porter for a walk with Lincoln because we had Lincoln kenneled up outside. Lincoln thought Porter was pretty cool. You should have seen Chad in action when Porter was upset. He marched right up the stairs took him out of his crib and talked to him until he was calm, wish I had it on video :-)

I'll try to better and post more often. I'll have more pictures to post later of Chad's flights. We are also hoping to get another update letter out soon, things have definitely changed since the last one :-)

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