Monday, March 2, 2009

Keeping it in the family!

Since I met Chad he was always talking about how much he wanted a gun or how much he wanted to collect guns. Well this year my dad gave him his very first shot gun. It was my dad's first gun. It was so special to Chad. He has gone out shooting a few times, this weekend our friend Josh came into town and they went shooting. Here is a picture of Chad with his cherished gun!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I have to say that it is truly amazing to me that your Dad gave his first gun to Chad. That tells me how very much your Dad loves Chad. That would be the gun Grandpa bought him when your Dad was between 10-12 I think. If I am wrong please let me know. How very special for both of them even if I am wrong. Love you, Aunt Terri

Unknown said...

Nope you are correct that is the gun. And umpa was the last one to shoot it before chad as well. :-) It is truly special!