Thursday, September 2, 2010

Finished!! Now What??

Well our dear friends and family the time has finally come, Chad finished his commercial pilot training.  He got his certificate on the 28th!  WOOHOO!  Praise God.  God has been so amazing through the past three years.  He has paved the way for Chad this entire time, and provided for us so faithfully.  Sometimes I kick myself when I worry about things because when I reflect on the past 3 years I'm amazed.  Since getting out of the Air Force Chad has gotten his airframe and powerplant license, and has become an instrument rated commercial pilot and now works for Boeing.  WOW!  And all debt free...even more WOW! 

Well we are not exactly sure what comes next but Chad is thinking of getting his multi-engine rating next.  He was going to do CFI (certified flight instructor) first but now maybe multi-engine or both at the same time.  I need to take some bible courses and we need to start really praying about and researching which organization we want to apply to. 
So if all goes well (mainly with the house Chad owns) then we want to be applying and starting the fund raising process in a year or so. 

Lots of exciting things ahead for us and we are so excited to see where God is going to lead us.  I will post pictures tomorrow.

Chad and I finally get a weekend together to go camping, yippee for that and thank goodness no worries about studying or flying just having fun!

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