Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The year thus far!

Can't believe its already 2009. Geez time flies. Chad is back in school. He in the powerplant portion of the A&P training, cannot believe it. He takes his oral and practical exam this month for airframe... pray for that. I know he is going to do awesome but is a big scary thing.

We are praying very hard about moving to western washington for Chad to finish his flight training there. It's looking like Northern Washington (Arlington, Everett) area is where we could be headed. Many more exciting changes are coming our way but we are so excited to see where God is going to lead us. It is strengthening our faith that is for sure.

I am still loving my job...not nights of course. If we were staying here I would look into transferring to the peds ICU but I will wait and see if there is a spot in Seattle somewhere. Keep all these changes in your prayers please. We believe Chad and I are truly called into the mission field in and in order to make it out there we need to finish his schooling without debt, hence the probably move. Pray that God will provide all we need financially and in a school, and in a job over there for me if we do move. We love you all and cannot wait to see what this year has in store!

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