Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Interview and a weekend in W. Washington

Chad, had an interview last Thursday for a job with Loomis armored car company. He will work in the vault if he gets the job, it'll be something part time.

Chad and I made a trip back to western Washington this last weekend. It was nice to spend time with family and friends. My dad has the big task of repainting the outside of his house so we helped out a bit. Chad is now a master at using the sprayer, he was a big help to my dad. Mimi (Michelle) and I had the fun task of masking off the porch and priming the porch!! But it was great family time.

It was so great for Chad and I to have time back with friends. We miss them so much. We have truly been blessed with some amazing friends. Wish I would have taken more pictures of the weekend, but unfortunately I didn't. But we had a great time. Now its back to work again for me tomorrow and hopefully for Chad soon.

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