The month started out FREEZING and stayed that way for a few weeks. But the skies were clear and Chad was able to fly everyday pretty much. He actually got half of his commercial training done in those two weeks... I know nuts. He did multiple cross country flights with the longest being 7hrs. He flew to North Bend Oregon in the middle of the night and froze the whole time, the heater was broken in the plane.
Chad also got his share of plane mishaps. He had electrical failure once, a fire when trying to start the plane in freezing conditions, an instrument that was broken in flight...just to mention a few. But he handled all beautifully and now has some good experience with big malfunctions. What can I say he is pretty amazing eh? I think so :-)
At the beginning of the month we went and cut down our first Christmas tree. Last year we weren't home for Christmas so this was our first one married. It was so much fun, Lincoln even came along.
In the middle of December we got some bad news that the house that Chad owns flooded... and badly. Needless to say that has been a hard journey but God has been faithfully through it and we know He is going to continue to work. The insurance denied the claim to fix it so we are on to plan B. More updates on that as it unfolds, continue to pray for that though.
For me work has been hard and slow at the same time. We have had some pretty sick kiddos and sad sad ones too. And census (number of patients) has been really low until now too. Which made it hard to get all the hours in but its finally picking back up.
On the 18th we had the memorial service for my grandmommmy. She had passed away a couple of weeks prior. She was a wonderful woman who made us all laugh. What a joy for life she had. It was a great service where lots of memories were shared. She is greatly missed but no longer suffering and in heaven with our Heavenly Father.
On the 20th my mother and sister in law came into town to spend Christmas with us. They were here for 10 days which was fun. We spent Christmas eve at my moms. We had a great dinner , my mom rotisserie chicken. Mmm mmm! Christmas day we spent at Jennifer's house. She made her first ham and it turned out awesome. We finished the night there with a HILARIOUS game of jenga. I was so glad my mother in law could meet everyone and she loved it.
We went to Vancouver, WA to see Chad's side of the family a few days later which was neat for me. There was a lot of his family that I hadn't met. And Chad hadn't seen them in like 5 years, well some of them. We ended that trip by seeing Avatar with his aunt and uncle, which was fun. I surprisingly liked the movie.
The highlight besides Christmas of December was our trip to Leavenworth. Everyone loved it so much. It was still decorated for Christmas, and it had snowed so it was beautiful there. FREEZING but beautiful. We drove home through a big snow storm in Stevens Pass but Chad drove through it without any problems, guess Spokane did us some good after all :-)
Leavenworth at night! Gorgeous

December ended with family going home and me going back to work. I had a wonderful week off. Luckily that's just how the schedule worked out :-) Chad and I are so thankful for God's faithfulness to us. We are so blessed and in the midst of our trials we are learning and experiencing more of God's love and joy.
*For more pictures look on facebook
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