Chad started his day off early with an 8am flight lesson. He only has about 5 more flights until his stage II check ride, then onto his last stage and then he will have his instrument rating!!! Woohoo we think he will be done mid Septemberish (if the weather cooperates). I went down to visit my sister and the baby for a little bit today the drive is an hour each way, but from Everett that's not bad :-) I came back and Chad took me on a flight. Two flights in a day for him, good way to build time. It was a gorgeous day to fly. I must admit I was a bit nervous. Small planes still make me a little uneasy and then my motion sickness doesn't help. But I did great and didn't get nauseated at all. Chad was very kind though. He wanted to make me sick but didn't.
After we got home I felt bad for Lincoln so we took him swimming, or attempted too. The tide was WAY in today. The water was rough and the waves got a bit intense. There are these logs right on the shore; the water got so rough that it dislodged all the logs and knocked a woman over, took her sandles with it, almost smashed Lincoln and a few other dogs. So we decided after about 20 minutes to be safe and head home. Bummer for Lincoln but if he understood he would say thank you I believe.
The evening was concluded with BBQing bacon cheeseburgers (not the most healthy but delicous), and eating rasperberry sorbet (which is fat free). :-)

Deep in concentration...maybe!!!

The boats looked so small in the air, it was neat

The view from the plane

Pre-flight check

Not a fan of tummy time... AT ALL!!!

He is getting so big, and is really awake at times!
1 comment:
WOW!!! what a beautiful view from the plane!! and how exciting that you have the chance to experience something so wonderful with your husband. It looks like it was just the best way to spend time together! thanks for all the pics jamers. tell chad i send my love to him also..big hugs, aunt terri
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