Well we made it into the new place today. We got up at 5:30 this morning and finished up the odds and ends and pulled out of Spokane at 7am. The past few days have been so busy and draining but we are so glad to be living together once again. There is TONS of unpacking to be done and re-decorating. Having an apartment is much different than a house it will be interesting to organize but we like it. Lincoln is not sure what to do with himself. I think it will take him some time to adjust.
Yesterday we had 4 guys from Moody come over and help us load up the truck which was awesome. My step dad Scott came over with me and helped us load, drove chads truck back, and then unload the truck... AWESOME! We are so glad he was able to come. Yesterday was a difficult day to say the least, we had some major problems with the first budget truck we got but around 1pm God answered all our prayers and we got a new truck and finished loading everything by 3:30 things go fast when you have 6 guys loading. Chad, Scott and I went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner; we had to say goodbye to Pablo (we think he is the owner).
My dad and some friends came to help us unload today which was a blessing as well. Now everything is in here, pizza has been eatin, and Chad and the boys are at the pool cooling off... I'm too tired for that!
Tomorrow the fun starts, unpacking!!
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