Monday, June 29, 2009
Like I said I would

A momentous weekend!!
On Saturday Chad had his oral and practical for his powerplant license. It was an 8.5hr test and he was stressed out through the whole thing but in the end he PASSED!!! So after two years of working towards being an A&P he is done. Today he started his new job at glasair in the production hanger building airplanes. How cool for him.

Showing you the grease on his hand!!!
Yesterday was also our 1year anniversary. So to celebrate that and Chad passing we went to El Gaucho in Seattle on Saturday night. It was just the atmosphere we were looking for. Candle lit, and classy. We had a wonderful steak dinner, laughed and talked about the last year. Even met some crazy dude while we were waiting for our table who invited us to his house. We think he and his wife are quite wealthy. The bar tender gave us free champagne (just two glasses). He knew it was our anniversary it was very sweet. At the end of your meal they give you a basket of fruit and nuts (that you still have to crack open). We had decided to pass on dessert cause we were so full but then they brought us chocolate cake and ice cream for our special day :-) Mmmm Mmmm
Yesterday, we had a relaxing day. We were going to go to ocean shores but had to cancel our reservations when we found out Chad got his new job! Didn't want him to miss out on his first day! So we took Lincoln to the beach, worked out (ya how relaxing eh?), bbq'd some hamburgers and corn on the cob which were delicous! Then had some ice cream and watched seinfeld to help Chad fall asleep at 9. He has a hard time sleeping when its still light outside. But he did it. I got up with him at 5 this morning to make his lunch and coffee!! I should have stayed up cause I think I feel more tired now than I did when I woke up with him then. Oh well!

Saturday, June 27, 2009
And more added to life
Chad update:
So Chad got a phone call on Thursday from an aviation company called Glasair. They offered him and interview and of course he accepted. Friday he went in and he said it wasn't even an interview he just got the job! So he starts Monday at 6am. He will have to update all the hub bub about the company but in his words "they make some sexy airplanes." And that will be his job to help make this sweet airplanes. YAY for Chad. But while working full time he is going to continue to do flight training, which means fly after work and then he has night ground school Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9 (and then will have to be up at 5am for work). Needless to say his life just got MUCH more busy. I am excited for him but I hope my husband doesn't get burned out. Continue to pray for flight training. He is amazing and I know he will succeed at everything he does but I want him to be able to enjoy the journey and not be a zombie through it.
As for me I am almost done with training at work, which means I'll be on my own before July ends YIKES!! Not that I'm really on my own everyone is very helpful. I've also had some health issues recently but hopefully it will be done and over with after my total of 4wks of antibiotics gag!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Baby shower and Father's day!
For Father's day Chad and I took my dad and Mimi (Michelle) to Claim Jumpers for lunch. It was neat to spend time with them. Chad and I really enjoy hanging out with them. Its funny how the older you get the more you just truly enjoy your parents. My dad is such an awesome Papa!
We also went to Ikea and all of us decided we ARE NOT fans!! I've been before but was very overwhelmed this time!
Well thats a short and sweet update!
Chad started instrument ground school today and I am working! Busy life now bed time!
Settling In and other activities
Here are just a couple before and after of the apartment I will post better ones when this place looks cute like I want :-)
We are very lucky to live about 5 minutes from the Sound and there is an awesome beach for dogs. Lincoln has overcome his fear of water and swims like a lab should now! It is so fun to take him down there. He cracks me up because he forget sometimes that he can actually swim and he leaps through the water its just like watching him pounce around in the snow!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
We made it!

Well we made it into the new place today. We got up at 5:30 this morning and finished up the odds and ends and pulled out of Spokane at 7am. The past few days have been so busy and draining but we are so glad to be living together once again. There is TONS of unpacking to be done and re-decorating. Having an apartment is much different than a house it will be interesting to organize but we like it. Lincoln is not sure what to do with himself. I think it will take him some time to adjust.
Yesterday we had 4 guys from Moody come over and help us load up the truck which was awesome. My step dad Scott came over with me and helped us load, drove chads truck back, and then unload the truck... AWESOME! We are so glad he was able to come. Yesterday was a difficult day to say the least, we had some major problems with the first budget truck we got but around 1pm God answered all our prayers and we got a new truck and finished loading everything by 3:30 things go fast when you have 6 guys loading. Chad, Scott and I went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner; we had to say goodbye to Pablo (we think he is the owner).
My dad and some friends came to help us unload today which was a blessing as well. Now everything is in here, pizza has been eatin, and Chad and the boys are at the pool cooling off... I'm too tired for that!
Tomorrow the fun starts, unpacking!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Some more
Chad got in, I pushed Lincoln in after and he clung to the dock and Chad the whole time (it was his first time in the water)
Excuse the sidewaysness, didn't know how to fix that. This is poor Lincoln clinging to Chad for dear life in the lake. He finally warmed up to the water thanks to Sunny. He couldn't miss out on all the fun she was having!! Chad and I cheered so loudly when he finally got over whatever stupid fear he had!
Published by Jamie :-)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Too long
Lets go back and review... firstly pictures are on my dad's camera because our battery was dead and I do not have those pictures yet so they will have to come SOON!!
Two weekends ago Chad came into town for a wedding. Our friends Matt and Sarah finally got married. They are not in Europe for 3 weeks (jealous). Chad was a groomsmen and looked super handsome in his tux. On Saturday we hung out at Point Defiance all day with friends and bbq'd and tried to teach Lincoln to swim. I'll post a hilarious video of that, needless to say he was not a fan of the water....yet!!!
After the park we went to the Tibbitts house for more lake fun and a fire pit. Steve and Trish have a black lab Sunny she is so fun. Anyways Sunny loves the water and will fetch her bumper or frisbees. She will go and go and go I don't know where she gets the engery. Anyways we tried to get Lincoln to go in. Chad even put on a wet suit got in the lake and I pushed Lincoln in, well Lincoln freaked out kept climbing up Chad's body to get out of the water which didn't work so well, and finally got out. After that he wouldn't even go near the dock... poor guy. Later Sunny continue to play and run into the lake from the shore Lincoln would chase her down there and back away as soon as he came near the water until finally he sent in a few steps then ran back out. I think he finally realized all the fun he was missing because he slowly started chasing her farther and farther into the water. Chad and I were pathetic proud "parents" yelling and cheering for our big pup who FINALLY went into the water and learned to swim. We will see how he does next time.
Anyways the next day was the wedding. Poor Chad had to drive back to Spokane and wasn't on the road until 8pm and had class the next morning. I think he got to bed at close to 1am! Not a fun Monday for him.

This last weekend I went to Spokane to pack up the house. There is still a ton of work to get done but I am hoping that we will get it done fast this week.
I think that's the best summary I can do for now. Continue to pray for us as there are so many big changes. Chad starts flight ground school on June 23rd so a fast fast turn over for him. He finishes this week his training for his aircraft mechanic and then he still has to take his written, oral and practical exam to get his FAA license. He has a lot on his plate. Hopefully we get settled in here quickly so he can put all his focus on training. And me well I will just continue to do the work thing!!