I took Lincoln to the park yesterday evening. During the course of this visit, Lincoln met a 9 yr old black lab Luther, an extremely cute 7 wk old yellow lab, Fizz (or something like that). He was having a great time running and playing with them. I was just about to take Lincoln home, when I looked over to him and saw that he was bleeding quite profusely from his mouth. I quickly took Lincoln home as soon as I could. When I got home there was plenty blood on the siderails of my truck. I put him in the tub and tried to wash his mouth out and stop the bleeding with a towel. It didn’t take long for me to realize this was more than I could handle. I had to go to the Pet Emergency clinic cause our primary vet’s office was closed as it was past 7 in the evening already. I quickly took Lincoln back outside and loaded him on the truck while on the phone with Jamie, simultaneously. In my haste I managed to lock myself out of my truck and house so I had to quickly improvise a way to get back in the house to retrieve my keys from the bathroom floor. After rushing him to the clinic, they took his temperature from his butt (glad I'm not a dog) and found he had a low grade fever. The doctor came in and said he'd have to put Lincoln to sleep to determine the cause of the bleeding. It turns out he managed to completely pierce through his tongue with his tooth. Because the tongue is incredibly vascular, he punctured a blood vessel so that explains why he was bleeding so much. A couple sutures later and he was good to go. He rested his head and paws on my leg on the drive home and was content to lay down in the house. It was a scary evening for a while because I didn’t know if he had swallowed something or had internal bleeding issues. I’ll be watching him still , but I’m very glad it wasn’t worse.
On a happy note, I cooked an amazing chicken breast on the grill tonight and had to post a picture of the perfection of my grill lines :-)
Perfect chicken love! Wish I could have had some. Way to go.
So glad our boy is ok... I was so scared!
Hey use the good plates silly... those are my old dishes! :-)
Glad to hear Lincoln is ok! I was afraid I was going to read that the older dog may have decided he had enough...glad both of you survived the ordeal Chad. Love, Aunt Terri
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