Chad is taking his Airframe certification oral and practical exam soon (month or so)...be praying for that. Its a big scary thing but I know he will do great and move onto the next portion of his aircraft maintenance training.
Work has been hard lately...well night shift part of it but such a joy. There have been some special kids lately. One especially who if he needed a home I would wish more than anything that he could come to us. He has worked his way into my heart. I have also loved being able to love on and support families.
There was a missions conference this week at Moody, I didn't go with Chad last year but I went this time. It was pretty good. I had never been to one before. I was able to learn about quite a few missions organizations and a few got my attention. It is going to be an exciting journey for Chad and I. I am so excited.
Lincoln is 36lbs now... BIG puppy! He has more engery than us most of the time and likes to eat our undergarments. He has adopted the stray cat that has been at our house since we moved in. They play and snuggle together, and now I am finding that the cat is in the house often...usually cuddled on the couch like she owns the place. Tonight Chad bought a litter box and flea shampoo for it... I guess that means we are offically letting it live with us. Hmmm....!!!!
Lincoln will love it! The cat has the lovely name of SeaBass...given by the one and only Chad Dimon!

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