Well winter has offically arrived here in Spokane. We are supposed to get about a foot of snow in the next 24hours. Monday the high is said to be 7degrees with a low of -12.... brrrr!!
Lincoln seems to love the snow he lays in it. We are excited to get him out and play in it tomorrow. I cannot wait to sit and look at the snow and drink hot chocolate with marshmellows!!
Chad finished fall classes this week and he did awesome...All A's. He's so good. He got a 100% on his theology paper and was recognized in front of the class. I wish I could write as well as him, he has so much life in his writings.
Well I am at work and here babies crying... off I go!
Will update more soon!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Addendum to "Cats do not like baths"
Chad here.
Ok, let me just give you a little background to the cat, Seabass. Seabass is a stray grey cat that I found at the house we're renting just after Jamie moved in before we got married. I found him/her in the backyard lying down amongst some weeds and soon after this cat decided that I could be looked upon as a food source provider. Jamie was absolutely adamant that she didn't want that "dirty, mangy, ugly, mysterious, don't know what it has, etc." cat, but the cat decided it's life purpose was to wait on the porch for cat food or any other leftover we tossed at it in pity. Eventually, Lincoln came on the scene and as he grew up he took a liking to this cat and surprisingly the cat didn't mind a little puppy body tackling it, or sniffing its butt, or barking at it for 10 minutes straight. Long story short, we decide to adopt the cat because its a four-legged body that's mostly independent which has the ability to entertain Lincoln for small periods of time.
So, naturally the bath had to come. It's getting cold here and snow will soon be falling. As a result, Seabass has a stronger drive to do everything in his/her power to come inside where it's warm. We got cat litter, we got cat food, and now we have a flea-less cat. All I can say about bathing a cat that day in and out looks lethargic and harmless most of the time is this: Inside every cat is a baker's dozen of razor-blade claws waiting to convert human flesh into confetti should the fool decide to subject the cat to a bathtub sized down-torrent of water.
Ok, let me just give you a little background to the cat, Seabass. Seabass is a stray grey cat that I found at the house we're renting just after Jamie moved in before we got married. I found him/her in the backyard lying down amongst some weeds and soon after this cat decided that I could be looked upon as a food source provider. Jamie was absolutely adamant that she didn't want that "dirty, mangy, ugly, mysterious, don't know what it has, etc." cat, but the cat decided it's life purpose was to wait on the porch for cat food or any other leftover we tossed at it in pity. Eventually, Lincoln came on the scene and as he grew up he took a liking to this cat and surprisingly the cat didn't mind a little puppy body tackling it, or sniffing its butt, or barking at it for 10 minutes straight. Long story short, we decide to adopt the cat because its a four-legged body that's mostly independent which has the ability to entertain Lincoln for small periods of time.
So, naturally the bath had to come. It's getting cold here and snow will soon be falling. As a result, Seabass has a stronger drive to do everything in his/her power to come inside where it's warm. We got cat litter, we got cat food, and now we have a flea-less cat. All I can say about bathing a cat that day in and out looks lethargic and harmless most of the time is this: Inside every cat is a baker's dozen of razor-blade claws waiting to convert human flesh into confetti should the fool decide to subject the cat to a bathtub sized down-torrent of water.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cats don't like baths!
Well I had told Chad that the only way Seabass could stay in the house was if she got a flea bath... or a bath in general. So last night we thought would be a great. Chad got the water all warm I gathered up the kitty and into the bathroom we went. Well she must have sensed danger because out came her claws, which we had never seen before, and one went right into my chest... I have a nice hole! Chad quickly took her and tried to put her into the tub as soon as she felt water she was flying all over the tub. Chad said his hand became confetti. He has a few great war wound. Sooo we put the bath on hold while he want to get some protective gear. I on the other hand had a different plan. I thought well why not try benadryl couldn't hurt to be a little sleepy..the cat that is. So I got some lunch meat and put the benadryl in it. Well she quickly at the meat and spit out the pill. So I opened it and poured the power onto some meat, she gave it one lick and it was all over she meowed like crazy and ran for the door constantly licking over and over to get the taste out. I tried to give her non-medicated meat but she didn't trust me. Well then in comes Chad with old snowboarding gloves on and his air force gortex jacket. He said I'll hold her down you lather her. So back in she went fighting the whole time with me screaming and jumping on the toilet afraid of this possessed animal we finally got her "clean" I scrubbed the best I could but she was pretty scary. At the end she submitted and turned into a scared little noodle on Chad's lap. And we went to bed with her looking like a rag doll cat all went and scragly. Needless to say...Cats do not like baths. I would not recommend anyone trying such a thing.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Life is busy
Life continues with its routine for Chad and I. School for him, work for me. We had a "nice" break last weekend and went back to Tacoma. We were blessed to go to Dale Tibbitts' memorial service and spend time with our dear friends Matt and Stephanie. We miss them so much. Paisley and Will are getting so big and we do not like that we are missing so much of their lives...but that will be the case with an Air Force and future missionary families. I will post a couple of pictures of the visit.

Chad is taking his Airframe certification oral and practical exam soon (month or so)...be praying for that. Its a big scary thing but I know he will do great and move onto the next portion of his aircraft maintenance training.
Work has been hard lately...well night shift part of it but such a joy. There have been some special kids lately. One especially who if he needed a home I would wish more than anything that he could come to us. He has worked his way into my heart. I have also loved being able to love on and support families.
There was a missions conference this week at Moody, I didn't go with Chad last year but I went this time. It was pretty good. I had never been to one before. I was able to learn about quite a few missions organizations and a few got my attention. It is going to be an exciting journey for Chad and I. I am so excited.
Lincoln is 36lbs now... BIG puppy! He has more engery than us most of the time and likes to eat our undergarments. He has adopted the stray cat that has been at our house since we moved in. They play and snuggle together, and now I am finding that the cat is in the house often...usually cuddled on the couch like she owns the place. Tonight Chad bought a litter box and flea shampoo for it... I guess that means we are offically letting it live with us. Hmmm....!!!!
Lincoln will love it! The cat has the lovely name of SeaBass...given by the one and only Chad Dimon!
(The cat found the cat food... she (we think its a she at least) couldn't wait for us to give her some!!)

Chad is taking his Airframe certification oral and practical exam soon (month or so)...be praying for that. Its a big scary thing but I know he will do great and move onto the next portion of his aircraft maintenance training.
Work has been hard lately...well night shift part of it but such a joy. There have been some special kids lately. One especially who if he needed a home I would wish more than anything that he could come to us. He has worked his way into my heart. I have also loved being able to love on and support families.
There was a missions conference this week at Moody, I didn't go with Chad last year but I went this time. It was pretty good. I had never been to one before. I was able to learn about quite a few missions organizations and a few got my attention. It is going to be an exciting journey for Chad and I. I am so excited.
Lincoln is 36lbs now... BIG puppy! He has more engery than us most of the time and likes to eat our undergarments. He has adopted the stray cat that has been at our house since we moved in. They play and snuggle together, and now I am finding that the cat is in the house often...usually cuddled on the couch like she owns the place. Tonight Chad bought a litter box and flea shampoo for it... I guess that means we are offically letting it live with us. Hmmm....!!!!
Lincoln will love it! The cat has the lovely name of SeaBass...given by the one and only Chad Dimon!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Its been too long!
Wow...I must apologize that I have not updated in quite a while. I also need to update our pictures online however, we do not have computers at the moment. One died of technical problems the other is dead due to puppy chewing through the power cord...that problem should be resolved soon.
The puppy front:
Lincoln had his first puppy class on Sunday although I think it was more of a mommy and daddy class. We got some neat ideas but its very hard to implement them and stay consistent. I tell ya this puppy thing is not an easy task. Lincoln is getting so big and needs lots and lots of training. But mommy is getting into shape trying to work off his energy with walks/jogs!!
Chads school:
School is going great for Chad, he has had some intersting projects none of which I can explain well but I know he has been doing "rigging" and was in the tail cone of the airplane and came home with some nice little ouchies from lying inside the airplane for hours. He will be taking his airframe certification exam in less than two months...exciting!
I am still hoping a day shift position somewhere...sometime. If I don't get it I pray that my body will learn to behave and tolerate this schedule. I love pediatric nursing but I am not a fan of being on night shift ... 2 years seems like a long time.
Overall we are doing well, always praying for God's leading and that he will provide for Chad's schooling. Flight starts soon YAY! Oh other Chad news we went flying almost 2 weeks ago and he got his flight review all done and I survived the experience. Not of a fan of airplane stalls that much is for sure, but he is an awesome pilot and I am looking forward to many many flights with him in the future!!
The puppy front:
Lincoln had his first puppy class on Sunday although I think it was more of a mommy and daddy class. We got some neat ideas but its very hard to implement them and stay consistent. I tell ya this puppy thing is not an easy task. Lincoln is getting so big and needs lots and lots of training. But mommy is getting into shape trying to work off his energy with walks/jogs!!
Chads school:
School is going great for Chad, he has had some intersting projects none of which I can explain well but I know he has been doing "rigging" and was in the tail cone of the airplane and came home with some nice little ouchies from lying inside the airplane for hours. He will be taking his airframe certification exam in less than two months...exciting!
I am still hoping a day shift position somewhere...sometime. If I don't get it I pray that my body will learn to behave and tolerate this schedule. I love pediatric nursing but I am not a fan of being on night shift ... 2 years seems like a long time.
Overall we are doing well, always praying for God's leading and that he will provide for Chad's schooling. Flight starts soon YAY! Oh other Chad news we went flying almost 2 weeks ago and he got his flight review all done and I survived the experience. Not of a fan of airplane stalls that much is for sure, but he is an awesome pilot and I am looking forward to many many flights with him in the future!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Some exciting news!! Chad finished his motorcycle. It has been quite the task for him this summer. But he was determined and finished it. It was a great accomplishment for him and a proud moment. He had to fix his the oil seals on his front forks and then do a total break job, I've learned a few things from this whole process. I was able to help him a few times, nothing big but cool to be able to help my husband in the shop ;-)
Just about done!
Proud Chad after finishing ready for a ride!
Today Lincoln got more shots and microchipped. He's a bit more snuggly today as you may expect. 3 more weeks and he can actually go to the park, we are so excited. Chad wants to get him in the water, maybe if its warm enough we can go to a Lake and test out his swimming abilities. Labs are natural swimmers...with webbed paws and all.
Other than that things are going well. Chad starts maintenance classes again on Monday YAY he is so ready to go back. That's all the news for now.
I keep updated pictures for everyone to see at

Today Lincoln got more shots and microchipped. He's a bit more snuggly today as you may expect. 3 more weeks and he can actually go to the park, we are so excited. Chad wants to get him in the water, maybe if its warm enough we can go to a Lake and test out his swimming abilities. Labs are natural swimmers...with webbed paws and all.
Other than that things are going well. Chad starts maintenance classes again on Monday YAY he is so ready to go back. That's all the news for now.
I keep updated pictures for everyone to see at
Friday, September 12, 2008
Some new pictures for you... not many but some from labor day till now.
Chad and I went to Chuck E Cheese's for little Mark's birthday (the youngest son of the family chad lived with) but most of the pictures didn't turn out so there are only two of chad and on being silly on rides .
New Pictures
Chad and I went to Chuck E Cheese's for little Mark's birthday (the youngest son of the family chad lived with) but most of the pictures didn't turn out so there are only two of chad and on being silly on rides .
New Pictures
Monday, September 8, 2008
A little snipit
Well its been a few weeks since I have updated. Chad started bible classes, he has had two classes so far. He seems to be enjoying it and I have seen His passion for God grow so much the past few weeks. He's such an encouragement. Our little Lincoln is growing so fast. He is not totally "potty trained" yet but he goes to the door and whimpers sometimes. Chad and him get lots of bonding time especially on the nights I work.
All of us were able to go back to Tacoma for Labor day weekend which was a great little trip. Lincoln did amazing on the car ride. He barely cried and went potty at every rest stop...what a trooper for 7weeks old. We were able to see some friends and family...we miss them all so much. My dad has a huge bbq every year on Labor day and Chad and I got to go this year which was a blast. My dad makes amazing ribs and other meats...24racks of ribs to be exact...holy smokes batman!! There was a cool jazzy band there, lots of food and volleyball. I'm not the best but I sure have a lot of fun playing. Chad and I were on opposite teams and I think he tried to knock me out...I looked up and he had hit a ball directly into my face, thank goodness for my catlike reflexes haha!
Life is good in Spokane. We start a new small group this week which I am very excited about and I am possibly moving to day shift and getting off of crummy nights. I'm excited to have more energy to give to Chad and the pup.
Well I believe that's the sum of it! I'll put up some new pictures soon!
All of us were able to go back to Tacoma for Labor day weekend which was a great little trip. Lincoln did amazing on the car ride. He barely cried and went potty at every rest stop...what a trooper for 7weeks old. We were able to see some friends and family...we miss them all so much. My dad has a huge bbq every year on Labor day and Chad and I got to go this year which was a blast. My dad makes amazing ribs and other meats...24racks of ribs to be exact...holy smokes batman!! There was a cool jazzy band there, lots of food and volleyball. I'm not the best but I sure have a lot of fun playing. Chad and I were on opposite teams and I think he tried to knock me out...I looked up and he had hit a ball directly into my face, thank goodness for my catlike reflexes haha!
Life is good in Spokane. We start a new small group this week which I am very excited about and I am possibly moving to day shift and getting off of crummy nights. I'm excited to have more energy to give to Chad and the pup.
Well I believe that's the sum of it! I'll put up some new pictures soon!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Dimons +1
Well Chad and I have a new addition to our family... Lincoln he is seven weeks old tomorrow and he is a yellow lab that is way too cute for his own good. He is adjusting well his first day at home playing, going potty outside...not on his own prompting of course, and eating well. He going going to be a joy and so much fun! We love our little guy already.
Enjoy a few pictures...

Enjoy a few pictures...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My wonderful friend Bethany who blessed us by taking extra pictures at the wedding has a new website. She has put up a beautiful slide show of our wedding pictures. Feel free to watch and enjoy
Wedding slideshow
Wedding slideshow
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Our weekend antics
Well Chad and I have had a lot of fun the past two weekends. Last weekend I worked until Saturday morning so of course that day is a bit of a blur but Sunday we went to our church bbq and then to the air show which Chad loved. It was neat for me but for Chad's it's an entirely different ball game. We went in planes and watched the F-22 and the Blue Angels do their tricks.
This weekend we both decided we just needed to get away and thought well camping sounds nice. So we loaded up and went out to Priest Lake in Idaho. It is pretty hard to get a camp site in summer but somehow after driving around for over an hour looking for a site we got one... it was the last one available. You can tell we both haven't been camping in a while because we forgot a ton of things. I forgot dinner items for the second night and Chad forgot shoes for hiking, which I saw by the front door when we came home. But even without those things we had a great time. The lake is gorgeous and we took time out to drive around the lake which took about 2 hours... the lake is huge!!! It brought back so many childhood memories for me. Chad and I both want to make camping a tradition in a our family! Our kids are gonna learn how to "rough-it" at a young age... haha ya right we slept on an air mattress thanks to the Ericksons!
Chad was the example of a true boy as he played with the fire and had us out in the wood collecting "real" fire wood. I must say he does start a pretty good fire. We cooked our hot dogs over the fire last night but I was the silly one who dropped theirs in the fire... Chad graciously gave me half of his, it was delicious.
We are back home, thankful for showers and a home without mosquitoes I got eaten alive.
Airshow and Camping pictures
This weekend we both decided we just needed to get away and thought well camping sounds nice. So we loaded up and went out to Priest Lake in Idaho. It is pretty hard to get a camp site in summer but somehow after driving around for over an hour looking for a site we got one... it was the last one available. You can tell we both haven't been camping in a while because we forgot a ton of things. I forgot dinner items for the second night and Chad forgot shoes for hiking, which I saw by the front door when we came home. But even without those things we had a great time. The lake is gorgeous and we took time out to drive around the lake which took about 2 hours... the lake is huge!!! It brought back so many childhood memories for me. Chad and I both want to make camping a tradition in a our family! Our kids are gonna learn how to "rough-it" at a young age... haha ya right we slept on an air mattress thanks to the Ericksons!
Chad was the example of a true boy as he played with the fire and had us out in the wood collecting "real" fire wood. I must say he does start a pretty good fire. We cooked our hot dogs over the fire last night but I was the silly one who dropped theirs in the fire... Chad graciously gave me half of his, it was delicious.
We are back home, thankful for showers and a home without mosquitoes I got eaten alive.
Airshow and Camping pictures
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Interview and a weekend in W. Washington
Chad, had an interview last Thursday for a job with Loomis armored car company. He will work in the vault if he gets the job, it'll be something part time.

Chad and I made a trip back to western Washington this last weekend. It was nice to spend time with family and friends. My dad has the big task of repainting the outside of his house so we helped out a bit. Chad is now a master at using the sprayer, he was a big help to my dad. Mimi (Michelle) and I had the fun task of masking off the porch and priming the porch!! But it was great family time.

It was so great for Chad and I to have time back with friends. We miss them so much. We have truly been blessed with some amazing friends. Wish I would have taken more pictures of the weekend, but unfortunately I didn't. But we had a great time. Now its back to work again for me tomorrow and hopefully for Chad soon.
Chad and I made a trip back to western Washington this last weekend. It was nice to spend time with family and friends. My dad has the big task of repainting the outside of his house so we helped out a bit. Chad is now a master at using the sprayer, he was a big help to my dad. Mimi (Michelle) and I had the fun task of masking off the porch and priming the porch!! But it was great family time.
It was so great for Chad and I to have time back with friends. We miss them so much. We have truly been blessed with some amazing friends. Wish I would have taken more pictures of the weekend, but unfortunately I didn't. But we had a great time. Now its back to work again for me tomorrow and hopefully for Chad soon.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Since the Wedding
Well we have been married for a month now... crazy how fast time flies. After the wedding we spent an amazing week in Jamaica. It was hot, we enjoyed some great thunderstorms, went scuba diving, and ate a ton.
Honeymoon Pictures
We got home on July 9th and began the great adventure of adjusting to life under the same roof. I was able to stay home for a week before returning to work which was a blessing. We enjoyed our time hanging out a home together. We got an espresso maker and a new bbq so its been fun experimenting with both...great bonding times!
We are pretty much all settled in now, we have a great little home that we are renting that is perfect for the two of us. I am back to work, Chad will most likely be starting a job soon and then will be returning to school in a month. He has been working on fixing his motorcycle lately...he's so handy these days :-)
We will keep you updated on the little happenings in our life and the milestones in Chad's schooling. Please pray for us as we begin this journey together. And pray for Chad with school, and that God will provide all we need...flight school is not a cheap thing. I am so proud of Chad and that he is following God's calling on his life.
Stay tuned for more.
To view wedding picture you can go to:
Not all of the pictures are up but will be shortly! Enjoy!
Honeymoon Pictures
We got home on July 9th and began the great adventure of adjusting to life under the same roof. I was able to stay home for a week before returning to work which was a blessing. We enjoyed our time hanging out a home together. We got an espresso maker and a new bbq so its been fun experimenting with both...great bonding times!
We are pretty much all settled in now, we have a great little home that we are renting that is perfect for the two of us. I am back to work, Chad will most likely be starting a job soon and then will be returning to school in a month. He has been working on fixing his motorcycle lately...he's so handy these days :-)
We will keep you updated on the little happenings in our life and the milestones in Chad's schooling. Please pray for us as we begin this journey together. And pray for Chad with school, and that God will provide all we need...flight school is not a cheap thing. I am so proud of Chad and that he is following God's calling on his life.
Stay tuned for more.
To view wedding picture you can go to:
Not all of the pictures are up but will be shortly! Enjoy!
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