BIG NEWS!!! Chad got hired at Boeing this week. He will be working on the 787's and we are hoping that after 6-9months he will be able to start applying for A&P jobs with Boeing or even on small airplanes. Praise God he is sooooo good. We couldn't be more excited for this new opportunity and answer to prayer. Chad is almost done with his commercial training and then hopes to continue on to get his multi-engine and CFI as I mentioned before. But it may be even cheaper now with Boeing Praise God again! We are seeing Him open so many doors and provide in His PERFECT timing! We love you Lord!
This week I also took Chad up to Mt. Baker for his birthday which is this weekend, but I work so we celebrated early. Chad has been wanting me to snowboard for about 3 years now and I thought what a great birthday present. So I rented a cabin and took him snowboarding. I learned VERY quickly and surprised chad, he said I was a natural. I actually had a blast and although every muscle in my body hurts today I want to go again, I think I'm hooked. We both tried skiing first and quickly decided that we were miserable at that endeavor and switched to snowboarding.
Chad was so patient with me. I did my best to keep up but I know I held him back from doing his thing. He did do one last run on his own and had a blast going fast and doing stuff that he can't do with newbie me around.
Lincoln came along which was great. He was totally out of his element and didn't know what to do with himself, poor guy. We wanted to take him on a hike but I was way to sore today so we settled for coming home and taking him to the dog park, I don't think he minded :-)
I made chad a chocolate cake with homemade chocolate cream cheese frosting, that turned out great. I didn't have a recipe so I winged it, and what do you know it was delicious. I didn't take a picture but we do have left overs :-)

For more pictures go here:
Mt. BakerWe are back home, I'm extremely sore, Lincoln is tuckered from the park and Chad is at bible study. What a full day and great week. Chad and I are loving looking back on how much God has provided for us and we are exciting to see what is to come!