So lets start with Labor Day weekend. We had a camping trip planned for months with our friends, Josh and Jen, Billy, Jon and Laura. Well well Labor day weekend arrived the sun decided to hide itself (it had given us lots of company prior to this weekend) and the rain appeared. And it came out with a vengeance. Chad and I were leery about going but in the end we loaded up and headed to Penrose State Park. We had enough time to get the tents set up, the cars unloaded and to take a little walk before the rain came through again. I had on a long sleeve shirt, a sweater and a down vest and I was still cold (I know I'm a wuss when it comes to the cold). When we got back from our walk the boys worked hard to get us a good fire going, it took some time but we finally had a nice hot fire to make smores over. Jon and Laura made us delicious campin spaghetti, and we cooked garlic bread over the fire (it was really good). We spent most of the evening around the fire and under the canopy trying to stay dry and warm. Lincoln loved it outside, I don't think he has had the much time with freedom, and he did pretty well most of the time. Jon and Laura brought there new pup Moose, and he was a lot of fun for all of us including Lincoln. That night we all cuddled up in a large 6 person tent (we stayed warm thats for sure). Lincoln on the other hand yelped until we had to put him in the back seat of the car to sleep for the night. He did well in there.
Chad and I left early the next day to head to the annual Lambert family BBQ. It's always a big deal and family and church family come to hang out all day and eat and play volleyball. This year that was a challenge with the rain. My dad works for over 16hrs to prepare the meat, he makes ribs, this year he did pulled pork and brisqett as well. Oh man was it good. I hope everyone knows how hard he works on that meat. My sistser Jennifer brought her new baby out, he will be 2 months tomorrow and he is getting so big I can hardly believe it. He was the bbq hit everyone thought he was the best thing since sliced bread.
It was great to see them. Chad and I were glad when we finally got home, and he was able to shower and put on clean clothes, you see he had forgotten to bring a new shirt with him uh oh!

On Wednesday the 9th Chad took Josh and I flying. Josh had been waiting for years to go with him and he finally was able to. The first plane we got had a broken starter so we got a new plane and we were off. Chad got clearance from Boeing field to do a scenic flight around Seattle. It was the best flight I've been on. He circled the city multiple times and then took us out over Whidbey Island. It was so great until the end when the winds kicked in and I got a bit sick to my tummy from the turbulence. Little air planes don't absorb much of it you just feel it all. Josh had taken Dramamine so he was good to go. Chad landed perfectly despite the winds.
We drove back down to Tacoma that evening to have dinner with some friends. We had the best steak oh man was it juicy. We went to Stanley and Seaforts mmm mmm good!!

Soooo Friday the 11th Chad had his big cross country flight. He flew to Portland, then to Astoria and back to Everett. He did really great, minus some confusion in Astoria. Its uncontrolled airspace and he has never gotten that kind of clearance before. He made me crack up when he told the story. SOO now he is down to only his final check flights. WOO HOO then onto commercial flight training.
On Saturday while I slept and worked, Chad went to the puyallup fair with friends. He had a great time at the Rodeo and even rode the mechanical bull, but had a sore back for a couple of days. Glad I didn't try it. Then he stayed for this dancin in the dirt thing after but I guess it was big red neck party but bad food and bad dancing haha! Oh well he had fun.
This week has been a rough week for me, I have had headaches everyday for a week and a big migraine yesterday that required two shots. Chad took care of me all day, he was pretty amazing. They started me on some preventative medication in hopes that we can keep them at bay. It may be night shift but we dont know. I just need to hang out a while longer until I can get a day shift position. Chad is taking his knowledge test for his instrument rating this week. Pray for him its another big test. He is doing so well and I'm so proud of him.
(There are more pictures in the "Life Happenings" link to the left...I try to upload pictures there.)