Alright, Jamie has challenged me in her previous blog to update my week, so I guess I will since I can't ever seem to turn down a challenge, even if it's just a hint at a challenge.
First, I'll be a real man and admit that I really missed my wife more than anybody could ever understand (save military types that have ever deployed away from family). Only one week so far, yes, but God designed marriage to be a union, and I don't mean just on paper. If you could imagine what it might feel like having your body torn in half from top to bottom, that might help to describe the sensation felt in the soul. It makes me sad to think of the marriages that fail due to unfaithfulness or adultery. That's like taking your bodies and souls and putting them in a paper shredder. God designed marriage to be shared, to blossom in closeness, and to be a reflection of the love and intimacy our Father desires for us.
OK, off the soapbox. At school I was busy working on various projects like testing and setting oil pressure gauges for aircraft engines and disassembling and servicing an engine primer system. Its a beautiful thing to see how complicated a simple project can be. Great learning experiences, though. I'd post pictures, but Jamie has the camera this week. We'll have to trade after she comes home this Friday :-)
LINCOLN IS BECOMING A GUN DOG!! What a great week for him! Earlier this week he began to understand the concept of "heel." I'd been working forever on that command, but he got it when I busted out the soft dummy with "duck juice" on it for training. This morning, before church, I took Lincoln out to the training area in the country owned by the Spokane Gun Dog Club. The gentlemen were very friendly and immediately took Lincoln and I under their wing. We practiced sending Lincoln after rubber dummies and even a few real birds. He still has some work to do, but he was able to find the dummies and bring them back with some style some of the time. He was even exposed to gunfire and didn't even flinch. What a good boy! I celebrated by going out and buying a rubber "bumper" dummy and a duck call. :-) Yeah, I feel like a kid again.